Halloween wreath with Link WIDE - INSTAX by Fujifilm (Belgium)

Halloween wreath with Link WIDE

What do you need?

  • instax Link WIDE
  • instax WIDE film
  • 1 styrofoam ring ⌀ 30 cm (Ava)
  • 2 plastic skeleton hands (Suprabazar)
  • 2 small skulls (Ava)
  • black acrylic paint (Ava or Action)
  • white acrylic paint (Ava or Action)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder (supermarket)
  • paint brush (Ava or Action)
  • letters forming the word BEWARE (Ava)
  • super glue - Always use gloves when using super glue! (Ava)
  • optional: transparent fishing thread to hang (Ava)

Step 1

Mix about 50 ml black acrylic paint with 1 tsp of baking powder (it will give a bit of a structure to your paint!) and paint the styrofoam ring with it. Dry and repeat for best result.

Stap 2

Paint the letters with white acrylic paint. Let dry and repeat.

Step 3

Glue the letters to the wreath using super glue.

Step 4

Glue the skulls on both sides of the letters using the super glue.

Step 5

Glue the hands to the inside of the wreath on the bottom using super glue. Make sure they are fully glued and dried before the next step.

Step 6

Print a family Halloween photo – or a photo of your kids or dog in a Halloween outfit 😉 – using the instax Link WIDE.

Step 7

Gently place the photo in the hands in between the fingers.

Step 8

Hang the Halloween wreath in your house or on your front door on Halloween night! You can use a hook or a transparent fishing thread to hang it.

In a creative mood? Click here for more DIY inspo!

DIY made by Marta Majewska.

The Kit

instax Link WIDE
instax WIDE film

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